

SCRIP is just another word for “gift card”.  Here at HFCS, Scrip is a program whereby many national retailers participate by issuing gift cards that rebate a portion of the gift card face value back to our school.  Holy Family in turn gives 100% of the rebate toward your fundraising commitment.   By using scrip for things you already purchase such as gas, food, clothing and other essentials you don’t have to spend a dime to raise funds for your child’s education.  All you have to do is buy the Scrip before you make your purchase at the store and a percentage of every dollar you spend goes back to our school.  We have several ways to make it easy as possible for families to participate in the Scrip program.  Follow the link above to sign up online to order scrip or click on the forms to print out bring in your orders direct to the school office.  

How do I get started?

The first step is to create your free account by visiting and clicking on the green ‘Sign Up’ box. Fill in the form and follow the simple registration instructions. Enter HFCS’s enrollment code by calling the school for the code.