Partners In Education
who have decided to become Partners In Education
PIE donors contribute a gift of $550 towards the unique needs of the classroom or specialty program of their choosing. Many donors direct funds towards classes and activities in which their children participate while others make unrestricted gifts that HFCS directs towards classes or activities in need.
Each year PIE donors contribute over $15,000 to our classrooms. Some of the items made possible as a result of Partners In Education have been:
- Classroom Bibles
- The purchase of new iPads
- Additional classroom supplies & Accelerated Reader books
- Music instruments
- Cameras and iPods
- Sports equipment or uniforms
Our PIE donors are recognized with a certificate displayed in the sponsored class, on our school website, and on individual teacher websites. They are acknowledged in various school publications/events. Our Partners In Education are invited to Special Persons Day, to Literature Day, and to the Partnership Breakfast at the end of the school year.
While PIE donations are typically sought at the beginning of each school year so that teachers can make purchases for the year, donations are accepted year-round. To become a PIE donor complete the form below and submit your generous donation. Perhaps your company offers a matching gifts program that can provide an even greater impact on your gift.
For more information on the Partners In Education Program, please email [email protected]
***Please be advised: All funds raised from this campaign will be applied to the PIE program. However, should this function no longer be viable for any reason – including a force majeure or act of God incident – or should any funds remain after the function has been paid for in full, then the balance of the fundraised money shall be transferred to the School’s general operating fund to be used at the discretion of the School to further its mission